Contents of the New Law

On August 31, 2018, the law relating to the promotion of entry to infrastructure projects in the global market was enacted. The enforcement of the new law has put an additional item into "Japan Sewage Works Agency Act," which assigns JS to provide technical support to private companies who try to join a global wastewater market.

  • 1. Background of Japanese business entry to a global market, including global needs of infrastructure development as a growth strategy
  • 2. Directions for promoting the entry of Japanese business into a global market, including involvement in the phase of project formulation and comprehensive development
  • 3. International operations implemented by independent administrative institutions like JS
  • 4. Partnership and cooperation of stakeholders

JS' New Assignment

The global water business is expected to be a market of over 100 trillion yen, or about 895 billion US dollars, in 2020. Significantly, the wastewater market will rapidly grow at 30 %. The demand was 30 trillion yen or about 27 billion US dollars in 2013 and is supposed to be 39 trillion yen or about 35 billion US dollars in 2020. We need to capture the voracious demands. So, Article eight of the law relating to the promotion of entry to infrastructure projects in the global market assigns the additional operation to JS, which has official reliability with wastewater technology and know-how, as follows.

  • 1. Development of feasibility study and master plan
  • 2. Study of project formulation
  • 3. Design management and tender support
  • 4. Construction management support
  • 5. Operation management support of wastewater treatment plant
  • 6. Verification of technologies developed by private companies
  • 7. Human resource development support